Fit To Ride Offers
About The Coach

Fit To Ride Personal Pilates Training

Pilates is a physical and mental conditioning method developed by German born Joseph H. Pilates (1880 – 1967) It is a conditioning regime that he called "contrology" the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.

Although based on the original principles of Joseph H. Pilates, today Pilates has undergone many developments and transformations. The result is a comprehensive, up to date form of exercise that promotes correct body mechanics and postural alignment. Pilates is a total mind and body workout that focuses on core strength and stability while improving body symmetry, flexibility and range of motion, as well as coordination and overall muscle strength. It evenly conditions your body and develops strength without excess bulk, creating a sculpted, sleek and toned physique.

Fit To Ride Pilates For Equestrians Program

Mounted Lunge Lesson

Fit To Ride Pilates for Equestrians Program was created to address individual rider needs. Sandra designs personalized workouts which focus on core strength and
s t a b i l i t y, balance, f l e x i b i l i t y and coordination. These key components are necessary for equestrians in all disciplines. Her mounted lunge lesson program uses Pilates principles to help riders develop independent seats resulting in more effective communication and harmony with their horses.  Sandra welcomes riders of all levels and abilities both competitive and non-competitive.

Pilates is a comprehensive exercise method that is often chosen by physical therapists and other health professionals for rehabilitation. Sandra has applied her knowledge of horse rider biomechanics to assist riders who are rehabilitating injuries and get them back in the saddle.

The Fit to Ride Pilates for Equestrians Program offers private and small group classes. The close supervision of your individual program allows you to realize maximum benefit. For Mounted Lunge Lessons horse and rider safety is paramount. Sandra ensures a safe, fun and effective environment at all times.

It is recommended that you consult your physician before beginning any type of exercise program. Working with trained professionals is highly recommended.

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